the cuius tlks Finding answers for the curious mind
What came first?? the chicken or the egg??

What came first?? the chicken or the egg??

Ohhh.. so, what do you think? Egg or Chicken? which came first?

Well, yes, we know you came here to see what's the answer for that... Still, what do you think?? Because if you say chicken then one could say well it had to come from egg. Right? And if you say egg, well then one could say it had to be laid right? Haha... an age-old riddle surely perplexes many. However, if you see carefully, the answer is in the above lines itself.

So, for the question which came first chicken or egg? The answer without any doubt can be the EGG.

How you ask?? Let's see...

So, an egg is basically a protective membranous container for the embryo cells for the life inside to grow. This is until there comes a time when the life inside can be capable of surviving outside the environment.

And you would definitely agree that laying eggs has been way way before chicken came into existence, right?

Dinosaurs laid eggs, snakes laid eggs, we have ostrich eggs as well, different other birds laid eggs so eggs as an entity came into the universe before chickens. That is something we can definitely agree. Also, we can agree that we as in all the living beings are in a continuous process of evolution. 

We as humans have undergone evolution to look like how we are today. Erect spine, jaw structure to name a few. Similarly, as per surrounding environment we have evolved as well. Hence different skin tone, adaptability as per conditions. This adaptation applies to all the species living today. 

Do you know, there are certain species of fish living in the dark caves who have completely lost their eyesight because it is not required for them in the environment, they are in. 

So, coming back to the topic in question, eggs evolved, birds evolved and there came a time when two not so chicken like birds mated and laid the eggs which brought the first chicken to the world.

To actually pinpoint to a particular species, the tropical jungle fowl which is native to the geography of countries like India, China, Malayasia etc. can be said to be the source or ancestor of the chickens that we have today...

These jungle fowls when domesticated turned out to be the quiet, not so aggressive egg layers that we have today. And yes, they just turn out the next day like the chickens we have. 

 It's been more than a millennium that humans have carried chicken around which can be said to be enough for them to be evolve. 

Well, this might be some revelation. Hopefully for the efforts that we did put for solving the old riddle, we did have some success in that.

So, we do have a winner, don't we?? The egg. but wait a second... do we actually have a winner?

What if we add an extra chicken to the question?? Like, who came first? chicken or chicken egg? Then what would be the answer?

Something to think until next time. Keep the curiosity wheel up and running!

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