the cuius tlks Finding answers for the curious mind
Why the grass is green

Why the grass is green

Well, this is not the question everyone would keep asking however some curious minds especially the kids might ask. Even when you have read the question, some curiosity might have arose in your mind why do the grass looks green most of the year around. 

Not just this, after reading this, one might ask why the sky is blue and sunsets are red.

Why the sky is blue and sunsets are red

So, the main reason is how the concept of color works and how our eyes perceive them. Basically light works in forms of waves which has presence of colors in different wavelength. The color of the object depends upon the which color or which wavelength does the object reflect. So for the answer to the question would be, grass would generally absorb all the colors and reflect the color green hence we see the grass as green in color.

Shall we dive more deeper? It's interesting we promise.. 

As mentioned above, the color of an object depends on how much color does the object absorb and what color does it reflect. But what decides which color or wavelength would the object absorb or reflect.

The answer to this would be CHLOROPHYLL.. Not one though but two, Chlorophyll A, Chlorophyll B.  Yes, chlorophyll which everyone might have heard helps in the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and go on to convert the light energy into chemical energy which acts as a fuel for the plant's growth.

Both chlorophyll A and B absorb the [ violet-blue, red ] and [ blue, red-orange ] spectrum of light for its processing and growth. So the only wavelength of color left out is the green color which is reflected back and our eyes perceive them as green. 

Now, one may ask why it is not green all the time why does it turn yellow or pale green for that matter. Or why during the rainy season the grass or even some plants look more greener? Right?? 

The answer to this is what chlorophyll is made up of! Yes, chlorophyll is essentially made up of magnesium and nitrogen hence higher concentration of these compounds would make them more greener and lower the presence would change in the color! This is the reason why during rains when the soil has some greater concentration of nitrogen we see the grass or plants as more greener.

And why does it turn yellow in winter?? Well there are multiple reasons say, absence of less amount of sunlight, iron deficiency which might aid in less production of chlorophyll. So now we know why the grass is green!

Until next time, let the curiosity do its work and stay tuned for more such articles!

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