the cuius tlks Finding answers for the curious mind
Why do mosquitoes bite ??

Why do mosquitoes bite ??

It might be very very rare to come across people who have not been bitten by mosquitoes. And for some it might seem like they have been more of a target than the others. No No No, it's not any personal revenge they are trying or a kind of hit-list they have. Its more because of how everything works as the design. Not complicating it more hence let's dive right into it to understand more...

Well, to be more accurate and precise not all mosquitoes should be blamed for the biting marathon they get started on. Not all the genders.. Before anyone gets offended its basically as per design and need, only female mosquitoes have said to be the one who carry out the bites. And let's not again bring DESIGN or BLUEPRINT or any big words, let's get straight to understanding why this happens.

Mosquitoes don't just bite for fun nor are they any tiny blood sucking vampires on the inside. They kind of do it for nurturing their next generations. Kind of a part of their whole reproduction process. Kind of the mother mosquitoes going on a shopping spree getting nutrients for their future offsprings.

One might wonder why not the father mosquito go and get the blood coffee from humans. The reason is more simple which because they do not need the nutrients, they are more interested in getting their coffee from the flower. The nectar is what they jump upon.

Would you like to know how they do it?? Like how the female mosquito go and start sucking the blood.. No its not as simple as put the straw and start sucking. They do it in a more beautiful way following the design. Ok no more DESIGN..   

So what they essentially do is when they bite us, they use their needle like proboscis to access our blood vessels they also pass their saliva through it. Now what's special about their saliva is it contains anti-coagulants which essentially stops the blood from clotting because of the piercing by the mosquito.  Now the body does not understand this as it see the foreign saliva as enemy and starts the attack mechanism which is why the itching happens. And the more you itch the more it worsens.

Well, now we understand why do they bite, but one could also wonder that why some people are more on the hit-list of these mosquitoes than other. Well, there are lot of reasons for this say blood group (Ahem... O positive people), they are more attracted to warmer body temperatures and also the type of bacteria which live on our body.

And yes, there are lot of ways as well we can keep ourselves off the hit list of these mosquitoes. One of the ways are using mosquito repellents, mosquito nets, eliminating stagnant water, wearing protective clothing among few.

Well, that's about the zzzzzzzzzz..... the mosquitoes.. There is a lot to understand about how nature and everything around us works and why some things happen like they do. Yes, we can say the DESIGN or BLUEPRINT   , but sometimes the curious mind needs more than that.

Until next time.... stay off the hit-list and on the curious mind...!!   

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