the cuius tlks Finding answers for the curious mind
Why alcohol makes you drunk??

Why alcohol makes you drunk??

Ever met someone who was so drunk that the person's was not even able to stand straight or even stand properly... With a breath that can even kill a mosquito and with a confidence of moving a mountain..

Well let's dive deep into what makes alcohol such a powerful potion.

The main thief or the culprit would be a chemical or compound called as Ethanol which steals you sanity from you.

Ethanol is a compound which is primarily made from processing of yeast fermenting of sugars in plant.

With barley you would get beer, with grapes you would get wine, with potatoes vodkaaaaaa....

Anyways our main topic,

The effect of alcohol depends on various characteristics like age, gender, body metabolism, the content %, injested on empty stomach or full stomach etc etc..

The main thing is how fast does the alochol enters your blood stream and that is all it requires for it to start its magic.

Also alcohol has different effect on different organ of your body.


This is the organ which is responsible to ensure you remain as sane as possible by trying to oxidise the alcohol which it does and converts to water and carbon monoxide. The caveat is that it can only do very less amount in a given hour. So if you go on gulping cans or even buckets of alcohol you end up dilly dallying on the road all the way...

Liver cirrhosis is one example what will.happen if too much pressure is placed on liver when you drink.


When it reaches your gut intenstines, how much time it will stay there depends on whether you have food in your stomach or not.. if not then blood alocohol.level will spike up making you feel not sober faster


When alochol makes its way to the brain via blood stream it releases the hero hormones dopamine and serotonin which makes you feel good and happy all the way.

Then slowly it would start affecting your cognition resulting in slurred speech, blurred vision, loss of co-ordination.


Here it triggers ADH or Anti Diuretic Hormone which commands the kidney in some sense saying release water and make this person run to toilet. Now you understand why you would go peee when you drink alcohol.


Would you believe if someone says that your lungs will also remove alcohol around more than 5%. Well it does... Which is why you get a different smell coming from a drunk person's mouth.

You will probably understand why breathalyzers are used now!

Alcohol can have serious impact on our life when consumed excessively even turning fatal.for some.

Choose the type of your magic potion well..

Well now you know what makes you drunkkkk!

You don't alcohol for getting curious though... Until next time, Let the curious mind speak.. 

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